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RNL Pop up Dance Party

Private·36 Pop Up Night Dancers


If you'd like to join us for a pop up dance session once a month on a Friday night this is the group for the details. We will post where, when, and any dance or song suggestions or posts here. Let's step it up and dance the fast and fun dances to get our heart rate up! This is the session where we may play some R18 songs rather than the radio versions. (But don't worry you will never hear anything racist, misogynistic or homophobic at a RNL session.) Ready to step it up! Hang out and take your dancing to the next level? Join us! We will have an hour of shaking it on the dance floor followed by half an hour or sharing– so if you have a new dance you've been learning, one you want to learn or you want to learn a dance they'll be space for that. Let's go!


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  • September 27, 2023


  • rhythmnlines

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